Rob Beezer's Home Page

Welcome to Rob Beezer's website. The layout of playing cards to the right is a depiction of a Graeco-Latin square of order 4 - an interesting combinatorial object.
I am a Professor in the Mathematics and Computer Science Department at the University of Puget Sound. Lately I've been teaching linear algebra, abstract algebra, combinatorics, and calculus. I am the founder and lead developer of PreTeXt, a language and system for authoring and publishing structured scholarly documents. This is an outgrowth of the work done to write an openly licensed linear algebra textbook, and assist with an openly licensed abstract algebra textbook. Much of this work is supported by the UTMOST Project.
My research interests have been primarily in graph theory (especially regular graphs and algebraic graph theory), but I am also interested in combinatorics as a whole. For a time I was a very active developer for Sage, powerful open source software for advanced mathematics, working on code for linear algebra, graph theory, and group theory. You can experiment with Sage, or even do some serious computations, at the free Sage Cell Server. I've made six trips to Cape Town, South Africa to teach a 3-week Masters course at the African Insitute for Mathematical Sciences.
I once helped manage a very large construction project, and I survived the Millennium bug as department chair.
In the good old days of "home page" design, a large photograph of yourself was de rigueur, but now it seems out of fashion, so I have removed mine. But if you are curious anyway, have a look, or maybe you prefer something more formal.
Mathematics and Computer Science
University of Puget Sound
1500 N. Warner
Tacoma, Washington 98416-1043
Office Hours, Spring 2021
By appointment, virtually